ご閲覧いただきありがとうございます。鑑定品の為、商品状態に関しましてはPSA10とさせて頂きます。PSA10評価でもキズ/凹み/ホロかけ/白欠け等ある場合がございます。予めご理解の上ご購入ください。\r返品や交換は承っておりません。ご理解の上ご購入下さい。Thank you for viewing this item.The condition of this item is PSA 10 because it is an appraised item.Please note that there may be scratches, dents, hollowness, white chips, etc. even if the item is rated PSA10. Please be aware of this before purchasing.We do not accept returns or exchanges. Please purchase with understanding.