タイ俳優 TAYNEW\rPOLCASAN DOLL KEYCHAIN\r\rDoll size 15 cm\r\r未開封のため、3-5枚目の商品の写真は、GMM ONLINESHOPからお借りしました。\rhttps://www.gmm-tv.com/shop/polcasan-doll-keychain-th\r\r※GMM OFFICIAL SHOP(タイ)オンラインから購入\r※未開封のため、目立つ傷等は見当たりませんが、詳細は写真にてご確認ください。\r\r◎商品説明(公式HPより)\rPolcasan is the cartoon character that Tay and New designed to represent their fans by mixing elements of both into the doll, naming it Polcasan. This Polcasan doll keychain comes with a whale hoodie that can be taken on and off. It fits lovingly on anything and looks adorable anywhere. Comes with an ID card with Tay’s and New’s autographs.\r\rTayNew Tay New POLCA ポルカ GMM TayTawan Newwiee タイ俳優 タイ Thai